today is a special day,
because today is 09.09.09.

Angel Tangy Jane: 09.09.2009 is a lucky number and date in Chinese, because Chinese think it means forever and ever. Therefore, every couple likes to become spouse in this day. Seeing many couples get marry today, I also have the impulsive to get marry today, because I think writing 09.09.09 as my wedding date is really cool. haha...So lame reason right? Don't know the couples who get marry today will be together forever and ever or not? But don't know have to wait until how many million years still can have this kind of lucky number again? hehe...

Devil Tangy Jane: Although today is 09.09.09, it doesn't mean that just suitable for marry, maybe it also a good date for break up. We break up forever and ever and we never ever meet each other again. haha...Maybe is also a good day for best friends to hang around and celebrate the great grand friendship. Why everyone is happy and busying about getting marry today? I think if both of your LOVE is strong enough, no need any lucky number also will stay forever. Don't you think is just a very lame, uncreative and traditional marry date. Can you imagine most of the people have the same wedding date~So normal & lame...
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