Friday, November 6, 2009

50th Day in NC...2.11.2009

This week is my learning enhancement week, so that mean I have 1 week holiday. I am so happy coz I dont need to attend class. But the problem is I have nothing to do. Actually I plan to go Manchester this Thursday n Friday, but I want to save money. So I cancel my plan. I think I will try to save money n go at this December (if I have no work). hehe... Good Luck for me!!! ^^

Things to make you think...
-People are made to be loved and things are made to be used. There is much chaos in this world because things are being loved and people are being used.
-Talent hits the target which no one else can hit; genius hits the target which no one else can see.
-Laughter is a smile with the volume turned up.
-Is it better to be a diamond with a flaw or a perfect pebble?


  1. I wondering y u dun wan cum bek to M'sia liao~ U got plan! ok, nvm, i plan my planning v Betty~ :P bluek~

  2. I dont hv plan, but I just want to find a job n work here, coz I want to earn some money for my life expenses. hehe...Sorry, my friend.
