Saturday, February 26, 2011
My Hot Chocolate In Milano
顺便提一下,在欧洲国家用餐,eat in & eat out 价钱可是有差的。Eat in,他们会有一种table fee,你是肯定要付的。而且这个table fee可不是service charge。所以有时除了table fee,你还要另给服务生小费。
Friday, February 25, 2011
想到美食,就想到Venice富有教育性的一餐。刚到Venice时,就到酒店介绍的餐厅去享受我们的午餐,是一间又传统又有个性的餐厅。因为听闻Venice的海鲜很出名,所以我的朋友们就想试试他们的海鲜,而我又不吃海鲜,唯有跟他们分开点餐。由于服务生不是很懂英文,再加上我们也不是很懂意大利文,难免会沟通不良,所以就导致我误打误撞点了Panama Ham为前菜。老实说,我不吃ham,更无法接受生的食物,他老娘的竟然给我来了份生的ham,这真的叫我难以下咽。我就尝试问服务生他们的ham不煮吗?其实我是想暗示他帮我拿回厨房煮一煮再端出来给我,怎么知道他白了我一眼,说这是意大利的吃法。原来他们的ham是要裹着长条饼干一起吃。最惨的是他还要看到我吃才肯离开,所以我就唯有硬着头皮在他面前生吃,而且还要装出一副很好吃的样子。老实说,不会很难吃,咸咸的,只是有一点血腥味。我想这是我第一次和最后一次吃ham了。
Cheese Fondue
而且我朋友告诉我,瑞士的中餐是全欧洲最好吃的,所以我们当然免不了要尝试看看。这是一间在Lucern很有名的寮国,泰国和越南餐厅,不管是当地居民或外来居民,几乎都对这间餐厅的食物赞不绝口。小小的店面,简陋的摆设,却有客人不断的进进出出。贴心的是每一样食物都附带着照片,语言不通也不用怕。再加上可爱的老板(因为我的挑食,总会留下一些我不爱吃的剩菜,老板竟然开玩笑的问我是不是要take away,超搞笑的。),所以我觉得这间餐厅还不错,值得推荐。
Monday, February 21, 2011

如果换作是做与不做,我肯定会选择做。我宁愿做了后悔,也不要不做后悔。虽然我很害怕失败,所谓Never Try Never Know。但是如果你不做,你永远都不会知道最后的结果,或许会有意料之外的事情发生,也许是好的结果,也许是坏的结果,你根本不会晓得,只有做了你才会懂。可是,买与不买,又是另外一回事,尤其是在国外,你一旦错过了,就没有机会买回一模一样的东西。幸运的话,就会遇到更好的,不幸运的话,就再也无缘相见了。所以我每次都会用千金难买心头好这个借口来说服自己,你不曾拥有过,你永远不知它的好与坏。另一方面,这也是关系到钱的问题,如果买了又不可以退回,钱却损失了,废物却又增加了多一件。
每一晚睡觉前,我都会对我在台湾所看中的可爱棉羊手套念念不忘,我真的很后悔为什么自己不狠下心买。我应该知道如果我想要在这种天气有个好眠,我必须有个舒服的手套,可是我已经回不去了。T_THeavy Rain
Never Expect Too Much...
Back to my traveling story, never expect too much. In my previous trip, even though Zurich or Geneva is the big city in Switzerland, those of them were not included in my trip. Mainly coz of the sorrow lion. Due to my fren had been to Switzerland, so she was the one who planned for the Switzerland part and I was in charged for the Italy part. She does did the research from the travel guide, friend, internet and so on. But sometimes you cant really believe in those pictures. Picture can be fake and lie. You can use different technique to edit the picture. However, normally if u travel to a new country, the first city will be travel are their capital city. But I not mean that Lucern is not beautiful enough, indeed, Lucern is gorgeous. However, the sorrow lion is quite disappointing us. As the all the information stated there are monument, so we are expecting we are going to a more grand places. While we were there, only three words can describe our feeling, what the fuck, is this the attraction that we are looking for. It is just behind a post office and very simple and crude. No further description about the history, only a lion sculpture lying at the hole. And what the point for us to visit the sorrow lion monument and totally dont know about the story behind.
Beautiful Royal Crescent
But The Fact Is......
Another example is Bath. Bath is nice too, but we are very disappointed about the most beautiful attraction--Royal Crescent. If u have watched The Duchess, u will know which attraction I refer to. I have a lot of expectation about this attraction and I just want to see how beautiful it is. But the only things she gave me was disappointed. We started to doubt it is the right attraction that we looking for. Is the picture too perfect or the light too good to mislead us.
What Happened to My Bridge of Sigh???
Venice as well, a lot of ppl say Venice is a romantic city. In my opinion, I think Venice is nice to visit once in ur life time but not really romantic. The buildings are old, the water is stink and is a very small town. But there are quite different from other city in Italy. My fren ask me do u think Venice is romantic? I told her no matter where u are, if u are with ur beloved, any country also can be romantic. Just depend who is ur company.
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011
Taste Bad & Have Strong Alcohol Smell